me now Jamie.”
I wonder: should I have stayed longer, should I have said a few words of thanks? But I’m glad to be away at last and at home on my bike.
The Worshipful the Mayor of Darlington - Councillor Ian G Haszeldine.
Jaw back in place and stomach swaying from side to side I head off again – perhaps a little slower than before but nonetheless in good spirits.
At the end of this, the first day I have reached Pocklington, (or Pock, to the locals) and I’ve covered 72.3 miles. I meet up with P & J again and as we begin to load the bike onto Myfanwy I’m stopped by an old lady who kindly gives me a couple of pounds for the charity.
We’ve decided that since it is not far, we’ll drive home and spend the night there rather than pitch up in Pock’, so there’s a good deal of confusion when I rock up at my local bar in the evening.
We’ve decided that since it is not far, we’ll drive home and spend the night there rather than pitch up in Pock’, so there’s a good deal of confusion when I rock up at my local bar in the evening.

Sat 24th May (day 2)
The second day sees me heading through the slightly less familiar countryside of the Yorkshire Wolds and there are one or two stiff-ish climbs that take me by surprise. I pass through the ancient market town of Market Weighton, a place with a colourful history of giants and witches – one of whom, Peg Fyfe, reputedly skinned a local youth alive in the 1660s. Hanged for the crime, she swallowed a spoon to save herself but upon escape was hacked to bits by two passing knights – so not a good day for her.

It begins to rain in the afternoon but I’m not worried – it’ll pass over and we are heading south. What with the wind and the rain it is quite a hard afternoon and I’m pleased to finish the day in Hemingby with another 72.5 miles behind me, sore legs and an aching bum – more Vaseline needed!
Jenny has arranged for us to park up in the car park of the Coach and Horses pub. Good Lass! So, after a shower and change we head in for dinner, noticing as we do that the pub holds a couple of ‘Tastes of Lincolnshire’ awards. Here’s a tip: If you’re ever tempted to have a nibble of Lincolnshire – resist! If this is the best, there must be some pretty rotten stuff out there. Anyway, the beer’s good so we get plenty of it down our necks and misguidedly top it off with a bottle of the ‘House’. Who’s going to be waking everyone up in the middle of the night?
A hot day for the Lincolnshire newshounds.

Sun 25th May
We stayed in the car park of the Coach and Horses pub in Hemingby last night and it's from here I set off into the wind once more, bound for Boston where we stop for a loo visit and some breakfast. If I'd thought the wind was a problem I now find it has started to rain and boy, does it rain! Now you'd think, as I did, that things can't get worse. Just as this comforting idea is formulating in my mind I get a puncture.........Bugger! Phil and I spend what seems like hours fixing the damned thing whilst hiding from the weather in the lea of a village hall and then I'm off again. I manage about four miles when I get.............Another puncture. The rain continues to lash down and the wind continues to whip across the endless miles of bugger all and Jenny and I sit glumly in the steamed up Myfanwy whilst poor Phil changes the tube and tyre. We have some pasta for lunch and sit on whilst the rain drums on the roof.
We try to sit it out but after an hour or so it becomes obvious that I will have to set off again and I'm getting pissed off with wet lycra. On and on; water pouring off my waterproof top and running down into my shoes. It runs down my face and mixes with snot, turning me into a kind of cycling slug and the landscape is remorselessly flat. FLAT. Did I say flat? Well I meant FLAT. I finish the day in Chatteris
In the restaurant - Chatteris

“I’m sorry, we don’t serve tap water” She says.
“Why not?” I snap. “It’s not as if there isn’t plenty of the stuff about”.
She squirms with embarrassment and says she doesn’t know; she’s new. This sort of answer cuts no ice with me at all, but I can see I’m in a minority of one – Phil and Jenny clearly feel sorry for her and I soon begin to see their point. She’s as pleasing to look at as a Sumo’s gusset and she’s far from the brightest star in the firmament, so we let it go.
What possible reason can there be for a restaurant not to serve tap water; other than to mug its customers? We are allowing ourselves to be conned and dictated to by silly fashionistas who think that an exorbitantly costly bottle of French bog water looks more sophisticated than a jug of the recently precipitated with ice. Well think again!
Monday 26th May (Bank Holiday) Spitting on to rain!

Good Luck David wishing you all the best.Thankyou for all your efforts. We all wish you well.Love from all your friends in the PMLD Primary Beaumont Hill
Hi David sorry I could not be there to see you off, my thoughts are with you. A big thank you for all your efforts and raising awarness for Autism, from all your friends at Beaumont Hill especially from Sue, Maria,Jason, Kieran,Deena,Lewis,Bradley and Joshua. God luck and take care. xxxx
Hi David sorry I could not be there to see you off on your journey, my thought s and best wishes are with you. A big thank you for all you efforts and raising awarness for Aurism, from all your friends at Beaumont Hill, and especially from Maria,Sue, Jason, Bradley, Deena, Kieran,Lewis, and Joshua. Take care and good luck! xxxxxxxx
Good luck David .Hope all goes well you are doing a brilliant job raising Autism awarenes and it is greatly appreciated. Thanks from all those in the Key Stage 2 Autism class including Adam,Michael,Lauren,Kyle,John Paul, Owen and Aadil.Have a safe journey!
Hi David, hope your journey is going well. What an excellent atmosphere for your send off here at Darlington Education Village yesterday. We are all very touched by your dedication and determination and will be supporting you all the way. We've got some brill photographs(a good one of you showing us your kit !!!!!!). There is also an article in Northern Echo today too which I will pass onto Becky. GOOD LUCK DAVID, HOPE EVERYTHING GOES WELL AND WE ARE ALL THINKING ABOUT YOU :~)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi David, Hope you are well and the jouney is going OK. What a great atmosphere here at Darlington Education Village yesterday for your send off. We've got some great photographs (a good one of you showing us your kit !!!). We are all very touched by your dedication and determination for which we are very grateful and will be supporting you all the way.
Hi David, hope you are well and the journey is going OK. What a great atmosphere here at Darlington Education Village yesterday for your send off. We've got some lovely photographs (a good one of you showing us your kit !!!). We are all very touched by your dedication and determination, and we will be supporting you all the way.
We are thinking of you David and watching your daily progress. You are truely admirable in your efforts and we hope you achieve your goal and more. Your blogs are just so entertaining, much more so that what's on that square box in our living room! Stay safe mate - Pauline and Barry Sellers
Hi David, hope you are well and the journey is going OK. What a great atmosphere here at Darlington Education Village for your send off on Friday. We've got some great photographs (a good one of you showing us your kit !!!). We are all very touched by your dedication and determination and will be supporting you all the way.
David, I have been following the progress you have made to date and think that it is fabulous that you are doing this for such a worthwhile cause.
Can we have a photo a day or a drawing or map or piece of memorabilia that you can compile into a book on your return?
Kind regards,
A fellow arty wellwisher!
Keep going, David, you're doing great. Hopefully the rolling hils of the The Netherlands will offer a more interesting vista than Lincoln!
Bob Ryan
Hi David
Today wednesday 28 may I cycled some miles with you to Nijmegen. I want you to know that you are a great guy and you are doing a wonderfull thing. I am sure you are finisshing in Vienna. Good luck.
Greatings Michel
Hello David, really enjoyed the send off from school, great to see all the kids lined up waving you off. Hopefully that image will provide encouragement during the tough times ahead. Sorry to hear the weather and punctures are frustrating your efforts but I am sure you will keep going. Keep your chin up and remember the fantastic young people who will benefit from your amazing efforts. Good Luck Kevin D
Hi David
Sounds as if things can only get better.We hope the little bit of sun that you are carrying helped.
Good to hear that you found a good mechanic for your rear end!!
Nick and Jen
Your blog is a very valued distraction from job hunting websites. Hope all is going well, we're thinking of you. Hope the weather holds and there are no more punctures. Loads of love Suze and Nick xxx
Hey David, it was nice to meet you, share a few kilometres with on the B9 between Duesseldorf and Dormagen (what an awful track!)and have a small talk about the differences between Duesseldorf and Cologne.
Honestly, you got all my respekt for what you are doing and i keep my fingers crossed for the rest of your journey.
Good Luck!
Hi David
We think you are fabulous cycling all that way to raise awareness for Autism for a much needed sensory garden. We take our hats off to you and thank you so so much. Hope you enjoy the rest of your journey and the sights (apart from the sore bum!!). Love Kieran and his mam and dad xx
Hi David
I hope you're not too knackered and still in good spirits. I'm keeping everything crossed for not too many punctures. You're doing an amazing thing - what a star.
We'll look forward to having you back in Ripon and having a few beers.
Keep smiling and good luck.
Ro :-)
Wicked Post...most interesting...real detailed journal of your trip....
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