Home at last and though I went to some lovely places - particularly Vienna - it feels great. The house seems strange to me and I have to walk into all the rooms to look and familiarise myself with them again. Everything is refreshed and new. I can even see my paintings with a fresh eye. Whilst I was away I don't think I gave the house or the gallery a moments thought so it's only tentatively that familiar things present themselves to me.
Friends on the other hand have been far from tentative and it has been a great joy to see everyone again; particularly those who flew out to Vienna to see me......So here they all are: Nick, Jenny, Chris, Lucy, Jane and Neil. We're all hoping to have a proper get together soon with Jenny and Phil, but I think they're lost somewhere in France, following instructions from the Sat-nav so we may, or may not, see them before next Whitsuntide.

And most missed of all of course.........t'missus

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